Keyword Research
Keyword Research at Warp Speed
SECockpit will save you a lot of time, as it runs faster than any other keyword research tool or SEO software.
SECockpit runs in the cloud and can access enormous amounts of processing power. The result is that it is able to return up to 200 fully processed and analyzed keywords to you in just a minute.
Comparable keyword tools take 1-2 minutes per keyword (!), depending on the speed of your Internet connection. SECockpit always works at full speed, unrelated to your Internet connection. It also never “clogs up” your connection or your processor and no matter how many searches you run, your IP will never get blocked or banned.
International: For All Countries and Languages
Our tools works in every language and for every country. We support non-western languages, such as Japanese, Russian and Arabic, as well.
Import existing keywords

If you already have a long list of keywords, you can import these into our tool and it will perform the complete analysis for every single idea on your list.

Test SECockpit completely free of charge for 7 days!